Friday, November 11, 2011



Rijil’s love story. Even though it sounds funny for us, it really a painful story for our hero a lot!!
Short  and sweet, here it goes:
·                                 Rijil loved a girl during the childhood onwards. [seems like Gandhiji  right??]
·                                 Like all amateur lovers he too made a lot of calculations about her future love[oohps…. Read it as future of loveJ]
·                                 That gal admitted she is in love with rijil!!![manasil laddu potti]
·                                 Rijil’s friend is loving his girl friend’s elder sister[ hats off to the father of these galss!:p]
·                                 Here is the twist. The elder girls’s marriage got fixed.[like in film. Girl’s father s always a cruel man.]
·                                 But rijil come up with an idea. May be you tell, its an old idea. Since it’s a flash back story this idea has lot of relevance.
·                                 On the day of marriage, these guys are missing. Rijil is present for the function. I can imagine a dark smirking on rijil’s face.
·                                 So this is the end of the story. Rijil’s friend and his love’s girl flew away and they  live happily!!
·                                 Hope you like the story…..
·                                 Thus we reached the half time of the story!!!
·                                 As always , a chaos was mounting up in the atmosphere at the girl’s home!!
·                                 The cruel villain[girl’s father ] is in trouble.
·                                 Rijil s really enjoying the situation.
·                                 But at the time of marriage rijil saw the bride on stage..
·                                 It’s a familiar face to him…
·                                 Ohh ma gosh….. its his love instead of her elder sister….
·                                 So that’s the twist.
·                                 It was his plan and execution and it back fired!!
·                                 That girl was too young for a marriage!!
·                                 Now the climax is same as always…. His friend and elder sister is living happily because of rijil.
·                                 If there any nobel price for love and a sacrifice , it must be given to rijil!!
·                                 Now about rijil’s love: its like… mone manasil veendum  laddu potti!!!!
·                                 Since there is no bride available in marriage market, our poor hero’s girl became the victim!!
·                                 A familiar face on stage with groom…….[music… uyiree uyiree,,,,]
·                                 May be rijil may read this… so I don’t wanna make him cry after reading this……!!
·                                 On that day he decided to become a chronic bachelor !!!!
·                                 Dedicating this post to all fans.
·                                 Courtesy: rijil k!!