Friday, March 15, 2013


Once upon a time there lived a grasshopper. As always grass hopper was a freak guy. When other creatures became busy, GH switch himself to super cool mode! Taking a gitar and singing the song “challa ke labda phiree”.  GH got bored of usual motivational sms from his ant friend.  GH stopped poking ant in FB. Because ant was busy during rainy season with food management. And it shows ‘you can’t poke twice’
                                                       In a sleepless night
 GH was lying on a lawn and staring at sky and mumbling something. “This is boring and insane. Doing nothing is not what I meant. Doing nothing but feeling like doing nothing makes me mad!!”
Hearing this a star blinked at him. He felt like someone texted him ‘:P’ smiley. It was such a beautiful star. Not like other stars , it blinked frequently. GH found star in FB and gone through star’s pictures and that keeps up him night. He send a friend request and for his surprise star accepted it. GH was in cloud nine when star says ‘hi’ for first time. 
                                                                             GH came to knew that star is from medical field and obviously GH from engineering field. GH felt like Pluto, neglected from solar system ! but for the GH’s surprise star asked “ GH, I like the way you hopping and its really nice. I wish you were an ET/medical student, so that sooner or later I can see you in ma universe. Now tell me what makes you keep up at night?”
GH replied: “I know you are thinking like I can’t jump that high to reach next to you. But as a dreamy-engineering student I need to tell this- I got an immense confidence that, some day you fall for me!!”
                                                       Thus GH and cute star became friends!!
                                                            THE END

Dedicating to all engineers cum dreamy guys who wish to fly high believing sky is the limit !
Dedicating to all medicos cum responsible citizens who  wish to be in touch with techie GHs and want to do something  good for society!
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